UG Mini GmbH for free
Softwarefirma für 1 EUR
Debt-free and operational UG (mini-GmbH) for free or for 1 EUR:
Bank account + debit card + credit card are also included.
The company's registered office is currently in Munich. If you're interested, I would even cover the costs of relocating the office to your desired location – I just want to get rid of it, as the revenues were always too low, and it was never really worth it.
There are no employees or anything similar, no insurances, and no contracts.
Bank account + debit card + credit card are also included.
The company's registered office is currently in Munich. If you're interested, I would even cover the costs of relocating the office to your desired location – I just want to get rid of it, as the revenues were always too low, and it was never really worth it.
There are no employees or anything similar, no insurances, and no contracts.
Legal form
Turnover class
Year of establishment
Investment volume €(EUR)

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To date, we have supported companies with admin services. We sold IT equipment and telecommunications equipment. But none of this is important for a new business owner. He can change the name and ...
Offer Giving away business
Mini / GmbH / Free
Offer IT system service
To date, we have supported companies with admin services. We sold IT equipment and telecommunications equipment. But none of this is important for a new business owner. He can change the name and ...
Offer Giving away business
Mini / GmbH / Free